27 Aug 97


The wound is looking significantly better each day. Which is to say that it's healing well. We're expecting Dad to be home tomorrow (perhaps late afternoon, but we don't really know), so hopefully things will continue to go well. Otherwise, more of the same.. everything continues to get better with him... his blood counts are still normal, toxicity has reduced significantly, the infection continues to subside, and Dad continues to feel stronger each day.

If you've been sending e-mail to Dad, please don't expect a response too quickly, as he anticipates having (no exaggeration) over a hundred messages waiting for him in his in box. In fact, I think he's a little intimidated by it. He plans to start working on his e-mail sometime after he's home when he's stronger.

If you've tried to contact Dad today, but couldn't get through, understand that we pulled the phone off-line.. the more rest he gets, the faster he gets out of the hospital... and he's tired of being in the hospital. Thank you all for your patience, restraint, and support through all of this. I don't doubt we'll probably have some kind of party when he's better able to handle it. You may compare today's against yesterday's results.

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