23 Oct 97


Dad's back in the hospital again, enjoying another round of chemotherapy.

So far, no problems (but it's early to tell). They've put in the catheter that we had problems with last time (the same kind that got infected last time and extended his visit), but this time he's so loaded up with antibiotics that we suspect he should have no problems. Dad asked if everyone washed their hands as he was being prepped.. they thought it was funny, but Dad assured them that he was dead serious.

Dad can be contacted by email while he's waiting for this bout of chemotherapy to pass. He has this laptop over there, and when I last talked to him he was very responsive (but the stuff hadn't really kicked in yet, either). This time should be much better than last... less time spent in chemotherapy, and hopefully lessons learned from last time. As such, I won't be making daily reports (like this one), just sending out highlights as they come to pass.

You may compare today's report against the last report.

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